Monday, May 20, 2024

The Secret To A Happy, Rich Life!

The secrets that are shared by Mentors, Mack Biggs and Michael Burns, are easy to comprehend. Their timely tips make learning this in-depth material by Mark Hamilton a fun experience. Join them each week for more tips on how to improve your day in this boring world we live in. Want a change? Visit them.

Learn More at:

Cheers to you both!

If Plan A Doesn’t Work, Go To Plan B Or Plan C

December 24, 2012 Session, Mack and Michael, was a turning point of greater understanding of my relationship with life and my creative Numerological Science writings.

I appreciate both of you very much and I do THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all that you do AND SAY, JoAnn.


So sorry that I missed the Monday night call, but I’ll catch it. What I want to know is. How can I mini-day with helping my child with homework?

Darlene’s Integration Thoughts 7-30-2012…

The Monday NeoThink Phone Session and domain continue evolving into what I envisioned these NT sessions could be and do – – align and integrate with ever-improving NT literature, so as to personally more easily and more fully comprehend, then use the wise guidance within NT literature and NT discoveries… In the process we each learn how to inspire, facilitate, and work with others to also learn the NT knowledge and use the wisdom to efficiently, effectively and harmonically work together to create ideal conditions from our life-expressions, thus creating ideal-networks within family and communities…. including LOCAL Clubhouses…

Next part of vision toward doing these is this communication/networking/learning system is to incorporate GVO meeting rooms and webinar program for moderators/guides to while doing sessions show Internet domain documents and visual presentations…. Many of us are visual learners… we have to see AND hear to learn and apply what is learned….

Together we can transmute: “The busy outnumber the productive by a wide margin.” TO: The neo-thinking productive greatly outnumbering chaos-creators and END value-destructive busy-ness….

We can learn how to identify and put the BIG rocks in FIRST, then empower pebbles and sand to smoothly flow in… In the Ideal Survive and Thrive System: FIRST do what is vital to survive, then the thrive-activities that create ideal life-styles easily flow in around the main events…

Celebrate Life and having life’s blessings more abundantly…

Cheers from Darlene S.  in southern Indiana

That impressive call.

Every Monday with Mr. Mack Biggs and Mr. Michael Burns unveils the Secrets of success, wealth and health of Inner-Circle.
Talking about the job revolution of the 21st. Century; as explained in Vision Five, wile change our routine-rut jobs of labor into exciting entrepreneurial job of the mind.

Note pad

I notice I have been doing something for a long time. Ever since I read the literature I always have a notepad and blue ink pen with me everywhere I go. Even if I don’t always have to write something down I feel better having it with me. I am always prepared to write things down.

neothink active member

Monday nights call was great. The last sentence in the chapter was the best for me ever, which said, It is wonderful being a Neothink entrepreneur, helping others while bringing important values to the world. That’s exactly what I want to do.

A business house

On the last call it makes good common sense to run your house like a business. Very good pratice to intergrated thinking. I enjoyed the call. Thanks.

First Time Call

This is sthe first time I have called. I have been listening for a week or so. It is an honor to be sharing this new life with the most wonderful people on earth. Everyday gets better and better. The new year will be wonderful with this new way of thinking. I love you all. Neopatty

Mark Escarcega 11/21/2011 Hello All Greate friends; (My Comment and Integration)

Hello dear Michael Burns and Mack Biggs, All Families and friends and our Pets.

I thought we didn’t believe in retirement and numbers don’t lie depending on who and what you’re listening too and even then we all must be very careful; it will help us from accepting a bad apple in place of a good one. (Or bad Numbers instead of Good ones)

Now dear Mack Biggs and Michael Burns, The reason I was wooing aloud just as you asked for comments, is because, all you’re teaching integrations this evening had just then given me wind beneath my wings out of stagnating. All your integrations for tonight must not only apply too our work but too every part of our lives, everything we do. When we do that, that’s how we move up and get ahead in all that we do. Woo!

Because of tonight’s meeting, we should realize that both of you are a major part of our alliance team, meaning of our own support team for life. It is very important that we do our best and give our best to our support team. We are our own backing. GM strength to you great brothers and to all our great support team call in friends.

Immeasurable thanks to you Mack Biggs, Michael Burns and to all are great friends.
From: Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Escarcega