Monday, May 20, 2024

Hello All, It’s Mark Escarcega, Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry or Perfect. I Hope You All Enjoy The Weather Today. (My Integrations and Comments For All Of You.)

Hello Dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett, All Families, Friends And Are Dear Pets:

Just want to say, that over the many centuries, due to man’s unconscious state, this has been the cause of our Ageing. It’s really none of our fault or all or are fault, that doesn’t matter at this point. I really believe that we are not living long lives because we have been continuously fouling up or atmosphere and are environment on Earth.

So, we all, Politicians and none Politicians, and all peoples on this Earth that can help, we all need to focus a major part of our attention on fixing the problems. There are right ways to fix things and there are wrong ways to fix things, we all have to work together to fix things the right way. And there is not just one way to do it. There is multiple ways to support each other and get things fixed right.

We may live hundreds of years longer just be cleaning our environment and atmosphere. (I really believe we can,) but it will take all of us working together for solutions and creative inventions to fix all the problems right. For instance, we can take all those dirty toxins and nuclear waste products, create a sturdy space ship and continually send all that waste to It’s total end, by sending it past Pluto and destroying it permanently. That’s something we can all do.

If we plan to live longer, this should be a main part of all of our focus and attention. To let you all know, I’m doing something every day to get this ball rolling right. Every day that I catch the buses, I pick up the totally used up cigarette buts and any trash I can from the gutter and surrounding bus stop area and put it in the trash where it belongs. (It’s all right that I do that. The Bus companies want the help.)

Then all those wonderful people who want to take about what I’m doing, I let them know my thought about sending the toxins out of here past Pluto where they can be completely destroyed. Just to let you know, people love to talk about these things and it seems they can’t thank me enough for what I’m doing. Heck, I just love to hear their grateful responses.

Well, you all enjoy the beautiful day if you can, I hope so. We love you all so very much and all God-man Speed and Action to all of you, as we blast into the future together with Strength, Love, Live, Peace, Happiness and Life Eternal,
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Mark Escarcega. (Integrations & Comments with spelling corrected, With all God-man Speed and Action, Lets Continue and Go Forth Together.)

Hello Dears Mark Hamilton and Steve Repelle, sorry if your last name is miss spelled dearest Steve. Also hello dear Mack Biggs, Michael Burns, Families and all Friends and are Pets.

I first would comment that: If a man or any of us on Earth could never make are dreams come true, only work on them as a challenge and that would be it, except for us somehow getting off on the challenge, That just doesn’t sound right and just can’t do the job for any of us, It doesn’t get the job done.
At what point do you ever get to experience any of your dreams really come true, if our dreams never really come true? What in the hell is the use of dreams, dreaming or living for them to come true? There’s no use at all, just a waste of time if they don’t come true.
(My Integration)

I just want to let you all know that, you can live your dreams come true and beyond anything you could ever have imagined them to be. Then once you lived them, you just keep building from there, into more creative ideas, for some kind of improvements or new creations for your life.
As for me, I’m still on a never ending awesome high from my past memories. I know I’ll never come down from them, not ever; (Not Matter What This World Puts Me through.) My dreams come true so far are invaluable to me, beyond any measure or compare. When you’ve lived them how can you say, ‘O there not true’? For you know them and you know them better than anyone else because you’ve lived them and know they are true.
It’s not Riches and it’s not lots of things or a huge background. (Though that’s not prevention) It’s the greatest beauty of all love and life in every way, It’s your blessings in life that seem to only come from a God himself alone, The God that lives in the deepest part of your heart where the greatest of all love lies, in every way.
When you get to the point where you’ve finished and need to go on, your memories of your achievements and dreams come true, help too carry you through, the storms of the future that come up against you. Your memories and your friends are your buffer against all Evils.
You will need those friends and memories because they will help you keep off an Evil Road that just leads to death for us and everything in our lives. Lastly, this note: Your past dreams come true and your friends will be there for you, to help you make any new dreams you have come true. They will not only help you, they will be the major assets too bringing to life all your future dreams come true.
In closing, thank you so very much Michael Burns and Mack Biggs, for your questions to Steve Rapella, they help me 100% with my Mini Day/ Power Thinking/ Scheduling, knowledge and experience.
Steve Repelle, I surely got a laugh and giggle with you, because I know your information is truly excellent in the use of are Mini Day, Power Thinking, scheduling lists. I will do my best to fallow your advice to improvement. Thank you so very much dearest Steve Rapelle.
My last words are this, for all of us:
We all better dream and dream big, I mean really big. Then we have to live for those dreams come true in our lives, ever last bit of our lives. Because if we don’t, we will be failing are selves and the world we truly love for yourselves and for all of us. So let’s all go with all speed and all action, forward movement into all those dreams come true. Come on get your God-men going and let’s keep going and never stop. Then we will all look back and see that they really do come true.
Thank you all, we love you all so very much. Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mark Escarcega

Never gets old

Thank you Mack & Michael for getting in to the nitty gritty of the mini day it never gets old,im started to get it little by little.Days are getting brighter and brighter around here, life is getting better and better.PEACE & LOVE.

Mark E. Hello Dear Friends: (My Comments-Integrations)

Hello friends:

All I can say in my grueling burnt out state is:
Let’s put one foot in front of the other and keep going and work with all America. To build a safe and beautiful world for all of us, under God as it started out to be and as it grew too the Strongest nation on earth for God sake and ours and as it can be the leading Edge for All The World, as it works to become for a most beautiful and safe world for all humanity and civilization, an advancing civilization on earth.

Good Night Dear Friends:
Mark Escarcega

Mark Escarcega, God-man speed to all of you,

First I’ll say, that Steve Repella, was so much help yesterday, that yesterdy’s meeting alone should have gotten all of us on are feet enought too stay standing all the rest of the way. He gave us the insight’s to stand on our feet as all, Supper Giant Heros; At least that’s what he did for me.

All I can say about Steve Repellas integrations for us is:
From his talk, I should be able to stand on my feet and stay on my feet, allowing no more evil too knock me down until I finish out my life’s work on this earth. So I’ll let you all know I’m going too meditate, and get in prived prayer to my God-man, so to stay on my feet in ways that Steve Repella suggests.

He is a God sent for all of us. However his words spoke to your hearts and minds too stand for love, life, peace, happiness and life eternal, use it. For Steve Repella knows how to get us where we want to be. Steve Repella thank you we love you, for leading us into the future into the direction of the C. Of U. world. God-man speed to you in all that you do, we thank you.

From Yours truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Mark Escarcega, (My Coments and Integrations, Hope for are Future, America and the World)

Hello Dears Mark Hamilton, Steve Repella, sorry if your last name is miss spelled dearest Steve. Also hello dear Mack Biggs, Michael Burns, Families and all Friends and are Pets.

I first would comment that: If a man or any of us on Earth could never make are dreams come ture, only work on them as a challenge and that would be it, except for us somehow getting off on the challege, That just doesn’t sound right and just can’t do the job for any of us, It doesn’t get the job done.

At what point do you ever get to experence any of your dreams really come ture? If are dreams never really come ture. What in the hell is the use of dreams, dreaming or living for them too come ture? there’s no use at all, just a wast of time if they don’t come ture.

My Integration:
I just want to let you all know that, You can live your dreams come ture and beyond anything you could ever have imagined them to be. Then once you lived them, you just keep building from there, into more creative ideas, for some kind of improvments or new creations for your life.

As for me, I’m still on a never ending awesome high from my past memories. I know I’ll never come down from them, not ever; (Not Matter What This World Puts Me Through.) My dreams come ture so far are invaluable to me, beyond any measure or compare. When you’ve lived them how can you say, ‘O there not ture’? For you know them and you know them better then anyone else because you’ve lived them and know they are ture.

It’s not Riches and it’s not lot’s of things or a huge backrounds. (Though that’s not a prevention) It’s the greatest beauty of all love and life in every way, It’s your blessings in life that seem to only come from a God, The God that lives in the deepest part of you heart where the greatest of all love lies, in every way.

When you get to the point where you’ve finished and need to go on, your memories of your acheivement and dreams come true, help too carry you through, the storms of the future that come up against you. Your memories and your friends are your buffer against all Evils.

You will need those friends and memories because they will help you keep off an Evil Road that just leads to death for us and everything in are lives. Lastly, this note: Your past dreams come ture and your friends will be there for you too help you make any new dreams you have come ture. They will not only help you, they will be the major assets too bringing to life all your future dreams come true.

In closing, Thank you so very much Michael Burns and Mack Biggs, for your questions to Steve Repella, they help me 100% with my Mini Day/ Power Thinking/ Schedualing, knowledge and experence.

Steve Repella, I surely got a laught and giggle with you, because I know your information is truly excellent in the use of are Mini Day, Power Thinking, schedualing lists. I will do my best to fallow your advise to improvment. thank you so very much dearest Steve Repella.

My last words are this, for all of us:
We all better dream and dream big, I mean really big. Then we have to live for those dreams come ture in our lives, ever last bit of are lives. Because if we don’t, we will be failing are selves and the world we truly love for yourselves and for all of us. So let’s all go with all speed and all action, forward movment in to all theose dreams come true. Come on get your God-men Going and let’s keep going and never stop. Then we will all look back and see that they really do come ture.

Thank you all, we love you all so very much. Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mark Escarcega

Q: & A:

You guys tonight was a night to remember for me. As I can remember my parents, aunts, and neighbors fought over the GOD STEVE REPELA. Jesus Christ himself had better not toutched the dial or it would have been a part 2.

Tonight my question of the mind was answered plain and clear. Draw up the plans, that is with the mini-day and follow them out. Only if nessasary I should put a project on hold and not to long. After the Interuption is over then fall back in line where I left off.

My peoples would love to be in my skin right about now only if they knew.
I am thankful to know who and what I am.

Sincerely, Thanks Socity

Kevin Strickland

“Monkey” Business

Are all the regulations small business people have to put up with designed to make them feel like monkeys being trained to jump through hoops for a promised banana and having done so finding out there is no banana, just a peel. When overhead from regulations alone can run as high as say 42% of gross, it can hardly be easy to continue to do business.
Maybe helping TVP to get the word to the public can induce a turn for the better.

A Filling Of Healing

When it comes to ‘Honesty’, Honesty has the cure to what we have been blind to.
Yes the honest truth actually hurt, it cut deep, but it also have the ability to mend, heal the burdens that the so called leaders/neo-cheaters has pro-
gramed into our pressious delicate mind.

Sorry. The liturature we have in our possesion is the filling that we call honest to also ‘Heal’. I see that to a part of this session you have to have love in the heart of the mind an also honest plays a inportant part of ones life, your life.

So if a nperson cry, let it be a cry of joy. Knowing that we are healed now befor 2012.

Assembling Puzzle Pieces

To me the lecture and comments were a reminder that when assembling a puzzle picture, one needs to check to see if all the pieces are there, but if they are not, then one needs be exceptionally careful to recognize them when they appear or are found, so as not only to complete the puzzle but also the right puzzle and the right picture.